CSR helps to shape organisations ethos value, there upon add brand value in stakeholders mind. Since brand value and reputation are two of the main characteristics of organisations which take them to new heights and create a desired value propositions and energy to compete in the market. Consumers of emerging and developed markets are becoming highly aware and informed about the companies CSR activities.
CSR creates point of differentiation for competitor’s which later creates trust and loyalty and that’s something all organisation desperately needs. Adapting ethical business practices translate into a number of advantages within firm such as attracting better quality workforce and raising a degree of employee commitment that helps reducing misconduct of any sort. In order to achieve long term financial performance firms must go for ethical compliance’s as a result they can manage to kill two birds from one stone, first is doing good for the society and second is getting monetized for that.
Therefore, ethical business practices certainly improves relations among businesses, communities and governing authorities, thus leads to achieve long term financial goals expected by stakeholders. Furthermore, every now and then questions are raised whether some organisations really carry out CSR activities or believe in ethical behavior? If yes then how can that be measured? That’s a big question!
Hence, Research and CSR consultants have pretty authentic measuring tools to analyse as to whether CSR business practices are being applied or organisations are just doing lip services. There are a number of qualitative and quantitative research techniques which offers realistic picture. However, general perception in a common men mind is that CSR offers two values in consumer’s mind one is functional value and other one is symbolic value.
Functional value is something that consumer look into any product or service, in other words the more reliable or robust product or services are the better functional value organisation has. Based on recent research studies functional value for organisations is the driving force to integrate CSR initiatives in their corporate communication strategies. However, some initiatives are perceived promotional initiatives by some consumers. At the same time it is also perceived highly appreciative work by a vast majority. Nevertheless, repercussions of conducting CSR initiatives are that consumer are ready to pay even more money for those products or service.
Symbolic value is something that consumer feels as if some element in brand is boosting their self-esteem, social approval and touching them emotionally.